College is expensive! But the costs generally do weigh up to the increased prospects for your (financial) life.
You have some big decisions to make. Like where do you go? And then of course there are student loans. The process of getting the right student loan and getting the right amount of money for school can be a big problem and can also get really complicated.
However, here is the good news. The articles and Student Loan Guide below help you avoid money mistakes in college, show you how to manage your student loans and we even give you some innovative ways of cutting debt.
Your first class starts now!
Sink Student Loan Scams as Payment Freeze Thaws
Dorm Insurance. Do You Need It?
Free Money for College - Guaranteed!
Basic Budgeting 101
Presupuesto Básico 101
Prepping for College Tuition: Ron Lieber (NYT Columnist) Pulls Back the Curtain on How Schools Set Tuition Prices
Why Do Underserved Students Go to For-Profit-Schools?
Trouble Paying Your Student Loans While Unemployed?
Should You Get a Student Loan?
Are You a Sucker for Student Loans?
Big-time For-Profit "University" Faces 191 Million-dollar Settlement for False Advertising
Struggling with Student Loan Debt?
Can You Flourish in a Gig Economy?
Choosing a Major? Questions to Consider
Guía de Préstamos Estudiantiles
Student Loan Guide
Skillfully Navigating Student Loans
FoolProof's Top 238 Money Mistakes to Avoid in College
Is College Worth It?
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